Saturday, September 9, 2023

KIA Sportage II AT Matic Gear Stuck on 3

 I was driving a 2006 KIA Sportage II and was crawling in a traffic jam, when the path in front of me clear a bit and I accelerate the engine revving but it's not going as it should be, and suddenly there's a loud noise and the car jerked then it went faster, immediately I thought of the automatic gear box, and when I slow down the car and try to accelerate again, it became sluggish. So I switched the transmission into tiptronic mode, and my suspicion confirmed. The gear is stuck at 3, even if I move the transmission up or down it would not change.

I stopped the car, had lunch, and then when I start the car again the gear starts from 1. But when I accelerated it did the same thing, jerked when it's going faster, seems like the gear jumped from 1 to 3.

So I searched the internet, and found this on a web forum:

A user named rawito wrote:

3rd May 2011 00:19

Paling mudah murah dulu gan,

- cek level oli. Apa sudah sesuai, kalo kurang ditambah sambil dicek apa ada yang bocor. Kurang oli a/t bisa bikin fault.

- cek relay dan fuse yang berkait transmisi. Apa kakinya kotor, tukar dulu dengan yang sejenis yg dipasang utk alat lain. Kalo gak salah relay A/T sama dengan relay kaki 4 lainnya di box, spt relay A/C dll. pastiin dulu aja. Bersihkan.

- Grounding listriknya. Siapa tau transmisi kurang supply masa. Bersihkan kutub2 aki dan kabel masa ke bodi/chasis. Kalo perlu tambah grounding langsung dari aki ke bodi transmisi.

- spek oli. sportage 2 sudah pake aisin gan, oli a/t nya spek khusus. SPIII (bukan DexronIII). Penggantian sebaiknya setiap 40rb km. Termurah bisa beli oem hyundai (Hyundai ATF SPIII) 60rb'an /ltr. Sekalian flush aja. Biar oli lama bersih. Supaya murah, flushnya boleh pake oli 10 dulu sampe oli lama keluar semua, baru masuk oli baru. Kapasitas 8 liter kalo gak salah sportage II

- kalo sudah ganti oli, cabut dulu fuse ECU kira-kira 20-30 detik, lalu pasang lagi. Supaya reset error memorinya.

- Kalo masih ketemu gak normal, terlebih lampu cek engine nyala, ya bawa bengkel deh di scan dulu dan dicari masalahnya.

Setau ane, girbox aisin jarang rewel selama oli tepat (SPIII) dan tidak kurang volumenya. Ganti oli telat-telat 20% dari seharusnya juga gak apalah asal bukan pemakaian kasar.

I followed the first instruction, and the transmission's oil level is at max.

Next to the second instruction, so I pop up the trunk and look for the relay, I opened up the Fuse Box and pull out the relay with the label ATM, cleaned the 4 socket pin, and after that the problem resolved, the transmission is normal again.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Been thinking to get an old Mercedes...

What should I get: W124, W202 or W210?

Friday, September 1, 2023

lot's of things happened in my life, I've had it all, and loose it all... the saddest and hardest part is loosing your kids. 

 I'm still doing my best to ammend, don't know when i could see my kids again.. i hope someday they find this blog, and could know how much I missed them. 

 God I really love them, I miss them so much... Please forgive me my children...
I'm going to start writing on this blog again to help me remember things. I thought I've lost access to this blog